“Upside Down & Inside Out”,OK Go第四張專輯《Hungry Ghost》中其中一支單曲,MV由S7 Airlines西伯利亞航空贊助。藉由飛機拋物線飛行來製造短暫的無重力狀態,OK Go團隊甚至還請了兩位俄國體操選手飾演空服員,真正拍攝前所有人都花了兩週去適應拋物線飛行(想必是吐得亂七八糟),原曲其中一句歌詞 like an airplane going down 也因為是在飛機上拍MV而改掉
- 人類已經無法阻止ok go了!!!
- 大叔們還是很靈活,希望他們可以永保青春活力拍到80歲!!!
- 機艙裡一開始應該超難適應超想吐吧,我在螢幕前都覺得我要暈機了
Take 2、Take 5超災難。失重狀態下一邊做肢體動作對拍子這好難啊,一直跟隊友撞在一塊兒。看到幕後花絮真的很感動,全員很崩潰很辛苦 (而且很冷) 也仍堅持要把mv拍好拍滿,這種MV畢竟不像是其他MV,拍很多次總會有成功的一次,飛行一趟所費不貲,有次數的壓力,是說就算可以無限飛,人也會先崩潰吧!
這個影片介紹了拋物線飛行的原理。身為一個連坐海盜船都害怕的人,完全無法想像在機艙裡 0g 與 2g 交錯是什麼感覺,幕後花絮裡提到主唱Damian Kulash還拍到暈倒,大概在第四次take後眾人生理&心裡都快崩潰了這樣….(看得我胃都揪起來了)
這個BTS我看得眼眶都濕了,特別是5:37以後,一行人決定要再飛最後一次,有種拍電影的壯烈感,結尾 Tim 與 Andy 說的每一句話都特別感人,“who knows what okgo’s gonna do next ten years?” 滿滿的洋蔥,所有人的快樂展露無遺,可以感受到這個團隊氣氛非常好,很認真也很樂在其中,真的是感情要夠好,志向要夠一致才能一起做這麼多搞死自己的事情啊!
"Upside Down & Inside Out" Upside down and inside out and you can feel it. Upside down and inside out and you can feel it, feel it. Don't know where your eyes are but they're not doin' what you said. Don't know where your mind is baby but you're better off without it. Inside down and upside out and you can feel it. Don't stop. Can't stop. It's like an airplane goin' down. I wish I had said the things you thought that I had said. Gravity's just a habit that you're really sure you can't break. So when you met the new you, Were you scared? Were you cold? Were you kind? Yeah when you met the new you, did someone die inside? Don't stop. Can't stop. It's like a freight train. Don't stop. Can't stop. It's like an airplane goin' down. Don't know where your eyes are but they're not doin' what you said. Don't know where your mind is baby but you're better off without it. Looks like it's time to decide. Are you here? Are you now? Is this it? All of those selves that you tried; wasn't one of 'em good enough? 'cause you're upside down and inside out and you can feel it. Inside down and upside out and you can feel it, feel it. Don't stop. Can't stop. It's like a freight train. Don't stop. Can't stop until you feel it goin' down. I wish I had said the things you thought that I had said. Gravity's just a habit that you're really sure you can't break. Upside down and inside out And you can feel it Don't stop Can't stop Until you feel it goin' down Upside down and inside out And you can feel it Don't stop Can't stop Until you feel it goin' down
2018年去俄羅斯的時候,我終於搭了傳說中的西伯利亞航空,覺得位子蠻擠的 XD